275. What is Your Focus

What’s your personal focus in your natural therapy practice, and how can you make it a part of your planning? In this week’s episode, Geraldine delves into the critical aspects of sustainable success in the natural therapy business and emphasizes the importance of having a clear focus. She discusses the significance of planning, considers how family dynamics can impact scheduling, and offers insights into expanding your services by exploring new modalities.

Work with Geraldine:


Get a Taste for What’s Coming Up:

Think about how can I shake my business up a bit and what can I do? How can I include the whole family? How can I get more from the one person who’s coming to see me now? Is it returns? Do they have to be coming back? Are they not coming back? Why aren’t they coming back? We need to audit what we do. So yeah, that’s your challenge from today’s podcast is to audit what you do. Who do you see and how can you extend outwards from that one individual? 

Podcast Introduction:

Mentoring with Geraldine is a bite-sized practitioner podcast for Naturopaths, Nutritionists, Herbalists, Coaches and Practitioners. This podcast responds directly to the needs of you – the practising Natural Therapist.  With interviews during the holiday season, and business and mindset support each week, so you’ll get the variety you need to enjoy, and stay motivated, in your practice.

Don’t forget to subscribe to receive the weekly episodes, and if you want to connect with me, always check the show notes, because that’s where you’ll find the links to book appointments, and of course to join “The Academy”, the membership group where there’s constant connection and community, with like-minded practitioners.


Now let’s get started.

Let’s Dive In:

Hello, and welcome to Mentoring with Geraldine and the Bite-Size Podcast. How the devil are you? On our last cast, I talked about sustainability. And how successful we will be over time, if we plan. And I also touched on the fact that many of you have families, you have children, and so you’re organizing according to the calendar and holidays.

Planning Ahead:

Because school holidays dictate when you’ll be away. Now that my kids have grown up, I still find that my client base still works around the school holidays. So I still need to know when they are and knowing when things are and how we can help everyone is part of what we do, isn’t it? Making sure that we’re on track, making sure that we have sorted out our futures, our long-term vision.

Then we have our vision board in place. We’re working towards that sustainable business. Now, the other thing I touched on last time, which I really wanted to dig a bit deeper into was modalities. So lots of us have multiple modalities. We might start out with one, and this is where I started talking last time about studying and doing something else and learning something new and adding something.

Now, the Pediatric Online Mastery Course is a naturopathic and nutritional mastery course for practitioners so that you can bring more children into your practice or simply you can see the children of women you already see because the majority of our clients are women.

And if we can see the rest of the family and bring in the rest of the family, then we naturally have this ongoing care. So I saw lots of babies years and years ago and now then I was seeing them as toddlers, as young kids, as preteens, teens, and now I’m seeing them as adults. Often I see them through the eyes of the mother and the mother is one that comes to me and talks to me about the child.

And I won’t necessarily see the child any more than just seeing the child. I don’t have to see them on a regular basis. Because you’re working with the parents. And so, getting the parents’ diet right also includes the rest of the family. Especially if it’s the mother you’re speaking to. Because, when we think of that family focus.

Educating Clients:

We think of how can we help change the lives of this whole family? How can we improve this woman’s health and ultimately her family’s health as well? And that’s often where a program comes in where you develop that program around healthy eating, around the good foods around alternatives to junk food, easy, quick alternative meals so that they’re not reliant on packaged foods.

So that they’re not, a lot of people splash and cover themselves in perfume and fake tans and we know that affects their hormones, don’t we? So all of these things that people don’t know, that we know, because we’ve heard it in podcasts, we’ve read about it in research, we’ve talked about it in our Facebook groups, but our clients don’t all know these things.

People don’t know what they should and shouldn’t be doing. I mean, who knew? Buckwheat tasted so disgusting until they started in naturopathic college and made that first lot of buckwheat pancakes. It’s cardboard. So I’m sure there’s better ones now, but back in the day, they were just cardboard.

And some people still hate kale. Who knew you had to massage kale, right? So when we think about these things and we think about how is it? that I can support my client. And it might be that you want to add another string to your bow, as they say. You want to learn a new skill. You want to uplevel your practice in some way.

And that’s when it’s a really good time to talk with someone and figure out the pros and cons of what you’re doing. Have a sounding board. Yes, we have to work out. We can afford it. Yes, we have to work out. We can afford the time to study it. Yes, we have to work out that not only the time to study it, but possibly there might be a clinical aspect or time away from family to do the thing, to learn the thing.


So we’ve got all those things to take into account, which is why online learning at your own pace is such a good idea, but we still have to be motivated to achieve it. We have to have those people there in the background cheering us on to finish the course. I mean, how many courses have you bought that you haven’t done? There’s got to be quite a few, right?

I’ve certainly got a few, but I also have courses where I can pick and choose. What I want to use. So my academy, I was talking to one of my mentees yesterday. And she was saying that she said, Oh, I haven’t done that one, but I was in there and I’ve used the create the Facebook group one and I’ve done all of that.

Flexibility in your Learning Path:

And I was in there and I’ve used all your paperwork. I had a really good look through that and some of the books that are there and so she’s picking and choosing what she wants and what she needs.

The pediatric online mastery course, for example, it isn’t set. You don’t have to start at the beginning and go to the end. You can just go to the tips and tricks video. If that’s the one you want to watch first. There is no. You have to do it this way. It was developed over a six-week time frame to be delivered over six weeks. So it can be done in six weeks. It certainly can with the reading and the content, but you can pick and choose. And there’s a one to one with me during it for those people who do it to keep them motivated, to keep them wanting to keep at it.

And so when we bring that other modality, um, into our business. When we look at that other modality, we have to think, how is this going to support, supplement, help my business? How is this modality going to fit in? So I haven’t done any physical therapy trainings because I don’t have a bed. I don’t want to put a bed in my room for the hypnosis.

People lie on the sofa in the past. Now I do it online. They sit in their chair at home. So practicalities. of me taking on a physical, like, massage modality isn’t a good idea. You might be a massage therapist and you realize that your body is beginning to wear out and so you change your techniques. Maybe you add cupping because that doesn’t require all the pressing because the cup doesn’t work and you can move it.

Adapting to Client Needs:

You might add needling. Or something else that’s going to lessen the impact and pressure on your body and at the same time be converting those clients to naturopathy. And that’s what we do with words and understanding and the scripts that we use. So and they’re all in the academy. So we’ve got to think, how am I going to bring this new course?

In, and how is it going to supplement what I do already? Who is my client base now? And do they have the need? Of this new training that I want to undertake. So if you have women, then a pediatric training is perfect because that means you can see the children or by extension, see the children so that when mom says, oh, the kid’s got this, that, and the other thing, you can go, well, have you thought about doing X, Y, Z?

So, understanding the pediatrics, if you really don’t want to see them, otherwise, they come in as well. I have joint appointments. I charge by the hour for them, so that mom comes in, she’ll bring the children in. You only have to see them once a year, the actual child. So to know that that is that parent’s child and they’ve got, they’re not doing, they have.

The right, they are the guardian of that child and that child, once they’re older, wants to take things and is on board. So you do see the child once, once or twice, but children are great because they get better so quick. They, they have one problem generally. Whereas adults, of course, have… multiple problems that you’re dealing with, whereas children have one, maybe two.

So you think, Oh, my kid’s got grommets and tonsillitis. Well, that’s one thing, that’s E and T. So, and the same set things for us, what we do is the same for ears as it is for throats, except for throats is gargling if they’re big enough. So it is great to be able to have that additional training with the children.

What other things are you thinking about bringing into your business and how do they flow? How do they fit with your business? Maybe you need to shake up a bit and you’ve been doing one-to-one practice for a long time. How do you feel about groups? How do you feel about getting out there and seeing if you can create.

Groups and can do things a bit differently. Or maybe you only want to do one-to-one, and so you can put people on programs that work alongside your consults. So think about how can I shape my business up a bit and what can I do? How can I include the whole family? How can I get more from the one person?

Who’s coming to see me now? Is it returns? Do they have to be coming back? Are they not coming back? Why aren’t they coming back? We need to audit what we do. So yeah, that’s your challenge from today’s podcast is to audit what you do. Who do you see? And how can you extend outwards from that one individual?

So if you’ve got three, five clients this week, whatever you’ve got, then look at each and every one of them and think to yourself, how can I extend out from you? You’ve come to see me in pain. Maybe I’ll learn massage. Maybe I don’t because it’s something I’ve never done before, but maybe I start doing training.

Adapting to Market Trends:

in pain and CBD oil, or once we can prescribe it, or maybe we, PEA and other pain control things that we have that you could use. Maybe that person sitting in front of you has. An elderly mother who needs support, maybe you could look at Alzheimer’s support. What is needed for someone? Because for someone like that, you might be turning around going, hey, you know, what about the keto diet to really help?

And they can learn that online. You haven’t really had to learn anything new. You’ve just started them on a process of that, for that client, but that client is sitting in front of you. They’ve got children. Can you bring the children in? You’ll be earning more from them because they’ll be seeing you about the children.

And then ultimately it’s one consult, you talk about them. And you talk about the children as well, but it’s the whole hour. So it’s a full consult price rather than a half-hour return.

How else can you shake up your business? What else can you learn that’s within the realms of what you do so that you can claim it back off your tax and what interests you, what is another interest?

That will spark you and get you motivated and wanting to achieve and maybe back on track if you’re feeling a little bit lost. How can we help? So if you’ve enjoyed it, a five-star review would be lovely. Thank you very much. Don’t forget to follow and make sure that you get all the, everything downloaded into your phone so you can listen every week.


I’m going to leave it there, and I look forward to seeing you on the next cast or you hearing me on the next cast. If you’ve got any questions, just email Geraldine at mentoringwithgeraldine. biz. We’ll see you soon. Bye for now. Thanks so much for joining me today. Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast for the weekly episodes. If you’d like even more support and learning, then the Academy is for you.

Here you’ll find part two of the herbal discussions, more clinical learning, and case studies to support your clients in practice. Bye for now.