EP 179- Packing it all in!

Join Geraldine as she discusses how she manages to get everything done in her business! It’s a never ending challenge when you work for yourself! How do you manage? What support do you need to stay on top of business? What tricks do you employ to pack everything into your day?

Get a taste for content in this podcast:

There is so much stuff in the Academy to choose from. And there’s so much support in the so that we’ve got our connection. But I have to create that. And that’s my organizational problem. What am I going to do? What are we going to create? So I just create more and more content, which is kind of a problem. So there is so much content in there and people like where do I start let you only depend to what you need when you need it. That’s, you know, our connection is there, our co-working, were working together to make sure that you get this get done what you need to get done in a group with a group of like-minded individuals.

Podcast Introduction:

Mentoring with Geraldine is a bite-sized practitioner podcast for naturopaths, nutritionists, herbalists, and practitioners. Responding directly to the needs of the practising natural therapist.  With interviews, herbal discussions, something business, something clinical … you’ll get the variety you need to enjoy and stay motivated in practice.

So thanks for joining me today. Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast for our episodes. If you’d like more support, get in contact and I look forward to working with you soon.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to mentoring with Geraldine and the Bite-Sized podcast. How are you today? So what I thought I’d talk about today, I was packing it all in because I don’t know about you that there are people that I look at, and I go, how do they do that? How do they manage to see that many clients in a week? How do they manage to run their business so efficiently? How do they manage to pack it all in? I’m so disorganized, I can’t do anything, I can’t get it done. I feel inadequate. So if I feel like that, after 30 years in healthcare, and after 17 years in business, it makes me think, well, you’ve got to be filling it as well, in some way, or at some point on some days more than on others, because I certainly feel it some days and not on others.

So today, I’ve sat down and I’ve just started hammering through the work, I got my coffee, I like a dirty Chai, I have got my I finished my dirty Chai, I got my drink ready for the day. And I sat down and I thought I am going to hammer through some work. Where am I behind? Well, I’m behind on podcasts I am behind on my red flags. So I’ve started a very short, even shorter than these series on red flags in practice. So when we see someone with abdominal pain, or pelvic pain, or palpitations, or whatever it is, so that we’ve got a bit of a heads up something we can quickly check and have a listen to. And that’s going to be available to everyone in my Graduate Mastery program and everyone in my Next Level program so and it means you know more CPE because all CBD whatever you call it because it’s clinical. So I just thought it’s gonna be really handy to have a quick listen to something so that you know where to start looking what start researching. Now I’m behind the net. And I’m behind in the Academy things that I’m doing at the moment, because if you’ve been listening, you know that we did programs and practice in May. And now we’ve got our immersion. And every week we’re doing something different. So we’ve actually got a list here, let me just read off my little list what we’ve done, you can still join. And there’s no such thing as catching up because there’s no such thing as being behind.

So we started out with the programs and practice study day. And that’s all been broken down into smaller portions so it can be watched, it’s all recorded, then we had finding our ideal client. Now I’ve got a lot of resources about finding and working at our ideal client, I’ve got a spreadsheet, I’ve got videos, I’ve got discussion pieces, there is a lot there about figuring out your ideal client. And it’s something that we have to go back to all the time because we change our style changes. And our client base changes over time as well as we change sometimes it stays exactly the same. Some people are very set in what they do. But even then they will continue to train and research in that area. So how they work changes, it might be that they start to have a more specialized group coming in to see them even though they’ve been a specialist in the area. And so our ideal client changes over time, then this week was the photoshoot week, when you’re listening to it, that is last week, actually. So the photoshoot week, I’m mainly going out and taking selfies now I cheated. And I got my daughter to take my photos because I knew I didn’t have time. And so any friends to go out and take the photos and there’s all of the photos that we need and how we haven’t said lots of fun. And then we talk about it in the group and I do alive in the Academy Facebook group in the closed group as well.

Now this week, it’s bio and backstory because we have to have our bio sorted.
We’ve got to have our backstory sorted. Why are you doing what you do? What motivated you to be here. Now on top of doing this immersion, which is why it’s weekly, not every single day because challenges can be too challenging. We’ve got too much on I’ve done lots of challenges in the past and we just have so much that we’ve got to do, everyone falls off, because they’ve got so much that they’ve got to do. Whereas doing it this way, I’m hoping with the weekly emails with the weekly support with everything going into the Facebook group with the connection and the communication that we’re really going to be able to get these things done or to be to say, well, actually, I’ve done that page, I don’t have to revisit that aren’t actually some new photos of your great idea. I’ve done my bio, I’ve got that I’ve double checked what she’s got. That’s okay. But my backstory could really do with some tweaking, actually, I’ve got my back story this week. I might turn that into a blog. So with this ongoing support, and his help within the Academy, we’re slowly building up towards not necessarily, you know, lots of people don’t want to program for their practice, some people do. But some people all of this stuff is just for the promotion of you and having things ready to go, which I think is really important having things ready to go that we can use them, then we’re going to be able to look at that opt-in.

So I’ve created lots of opt-ins over the years. If you go to, you will see my Burnout webinar and that’s free. It’s an opt in because you can watch it you opt in by giving me your email address. So you are on podia. So you would get podia emails. And that means that you’ve given me your email address, and I’ve given you something I’ve given you CPD points. And I have given you a lot of background knowledge on the understanding of burnout. And so that’s great, isn’t it? So it’s a true trade. And a lot of people watch it. Thankfully, when I recorded it, I’m not recorded on it because I recorded it years ago and yeah, I would have had bad hair and so my hair is much nicer now I think.

So then after we’ve mapped out a Rafa, then we’re looking at social media. So we’ve taken those photos, we’ve thought about our offers, we’ve worked out our headlines and everything. So it means we can get that social media with some fresh photos, you know, taking them yourself is fine. And we all need professional photos every so often. But for a long time, I use my own photos. And you know, our cameras are so good. Our phones, our cameras on our phones are so good. If you’ve got an SLR camera, go you that I’ve just got my phone. And so when I was out with my daughter, she took someone who came on her phone, she took some photos of me on my phone, and we actually just went to the mall and took photos around the mall so that I had different lighting and different space to what people would see here in my office, then we’re going to look at increasing our audience a week after that. So that, you know, we’re way down into July here.

And we’re looking at our audience conversions, but also the emails that would go with an opt in so that the system of what people get after they’ve opted into something what emails they receive, then we’re going to create our week one for our program. So it’s a long way down the line, because people can get stumped writing their program if they start too early. And that can be what the stop is, rather than, you know, sorting it all out working out what it’s going to be which we’ve done right at the beginning, and then towards the end actually writing that first module.

And then of course, we’ve got our launch. So if we’re creating a program, the launch might just be the launch for the optin. There is so much stuff in the Academy to choose from and there’s so much support in the so that we’ve got our connection, but I have to create that. And that’s my organizational problem. What am I going to do? What are we going to create? So I just create more and more content, which is kind of a problem. So there is so much content in there and people like where do I start like you only depend to what you need when you need it. That’s, you know, our connection is there, our co working, were working together to make sure that you get this get done what you need to get done in a group with a group of like minded individuals.

So how do I get it all done organization timing myself, I do have a timer with you know, it shows how long and it works out. It doesn’t take and I have used my phone. But as soon as I touch my phone to set the timer. Of course it shows me all the notifications. I have all my notifications silenced. But they’ll all be on that front screen. So as soon as I pick it up, I’m like, Oh, what’s that? Oh, what’s that? Oh, was that immediately I’m distracted. So I found that actually getting a clock that was totally separate to my phone and I didn’t touch my phone. So I’m spending a lot less time being distracted because I have no notifications come through on my laptop whatsoever. All notifications are silence so I don’t get anything. When I sit down at the beginning of the day I do I get you know, it’s somebody’s birthday and you’ve got these things coming up. So they’re the only notifications I get a calendar notifications. Nothing else comes up on my laptop to distract me or on this screen to distract me.

I use a timer to set my time to sit down and work and I plan I spend time planning super important. I know on Friday what I’ve got coming up next week. So last Friday, I just I couldn’t get into it. I just really couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get my head down. I couldn’t sit down I couldn’t create. So I thought that’s fine hubby is at work on Sunday. I’m going to sit down and do it all on Sunday, I’m actually I’m going to make that choice and I’m going to have a day off because that’s what we need to do. It’s like when you’ve listened to the other podcasts, I’ve talked about making a choice, choosing how you spend, you know, getting rid of habits, changing habits is about choice. And so it’s sometimes working for ourselves and doing what we need to do in our business. That’s a choice, isn’t it? So I made the conscious choice on Friday, I was just prevaricating. I was procrastinating, I could feel it. You know, I’ve done dishes, I put laundry and I done all of the things that normally I do those things very, very quickly, I will fling in a load of laundry come and work. I look at the time, okay, it’s going to take an hour, I’ve got a front loader. So it’s going to take an hour and a half to do that. I’ll come and sit down. I’ll set a timer hour and a half, and then I will go so that’s my break. But it wasn’t behaving like that on Friday. So I thought nope, don’t do it. Just stop stop pretending that you’re working or that you’re going to go to your office when you’re clearly not going to go to your office in the front of the house. Just do something else instead.

So I repotted some plants I went and did some shopping that needed doing. And I did all these really things that needed doing but also things I enjoyed like my house plants. So I went through and I did lots of those I discovered some more fungus net in one of the plants who that’s gone into quarantine. And I spent the day enjoying my Friday because Friday is my sort of official day off, but I often will end up working so Sunday in the morning I started prevaricating But then I said to myself, You did this on Friday, you had your day off on Friday, now go and do what needs doing sit down and do it. And I did. So it was I had my lunch. So I didn’t start early in the morning, I had my lunch and I sat down and I worked until 6pm. And I churned out a ton of work an absolute ton of work, the red flags, in practice, I churned out a load more of those. So I’ve been recording those for everybody so that they’ve got more CPD and CPE points because mentoring gives you some CPE and CBD, it’s always a set amount, whereas your clinical stuff, if it’s in there as well, then that’s fantastic, isn’t it. So I’ve been churning out red flags, that short recordings.

So I’ve sat and I’ve done things that get me ahead. And I sat down as well, for my clients.
As as I actually I need to organize, you know, I’ve seen some clients recently, I need to make sure that I’m up to date with them. I’ve got a couple of clients that need prescriptions renewing, so I’ve got my list of things. I need to do a bit of shopping, I’m short of some herbs, what’s on my list are junuh, some codonopsis, and some gynostemma need to be ordered. So, you know, I sat down, I look at all these things. I’m like, right? How am I going to shedule my time? How am I going to set it all out, I need to podcast, I need to speak to you guys, I need to make sure that everything is up to date in the Academy, because that is my passion project. You know, I really want to make sure that you guys are all out there doing the job. Because every single person that you see changes so many more people, you know, you might think that you’re affecting one person when you see that person one to one, but you’re not, you’re affecting them, their family, everybody around them all of the supply chains, because hopefully, they’re changing the food that they eat. Hopefully, they’re changing their lifestyle, hopefully, they’re getting more exercise. So not only do it affect them, you affect the people around them as well. So epigenetically you’ve got a huge impact on not just the one person but on everyone and the subsequent children or on the children’s children or whoever it is.

So we need to think to ourselves, what is it I need to do? How can I structure that time and give myself treats at the end. Treats not paying food treats a lot I do love a food treat got to say our salted caramel dark chocolate from Whitaker’s got to say lovely treat right there. But how the treats. It’s not this week, it’s raining this week, but sitting in the sun to have my lunch. That’s a treat, I come out of my office, it’s really good for your cortisol isn’t it to sit in the sunshine for your lunch, it’s really good to get that UVB on your skin so that you can convert that vitamin D, there’s all of these things that are treats that don’t cost us anything, don’t cost our waistline anything and save our mental health. And how do I do that? I do that by making sure I’ve structured my time and structured my day and allowed myself to have days off when I need them and time off when I need it. Because those are really important. If we’re not looking after ourselves, then how can we look after others?

So I’m going to leave it on that note because that’s the big reminder, isn’t it looking after ourselves as well as looking after others? How are we going to make sure that we’re doing that? Well, it was lovely chatting, and I look forward to catching up with you very soon. See ya.

Thanks so much for joining me today. Don’t forget to rate review and subscribe to the podcast for the weekly episodes. If you’d like even more support and learning, then the Academy is for you. Here you’ll find part two of the herbal discussions, more clinical learning and case studies to support your clients and practice. Bye for now.